Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loving community

The long road
Wednesday night is home group night! I can truly say that it is totally a joy!

I have come to be extremely grateful to have a group of Godly people involved in my life to care for me, look out of me and to love me. And I am happy to say that it is not a one-sided relationship.

I was blown away this evening by a great couple in our group who shared part of their journey with the rest of us.  It was amazing to see their strength and courage, how they were willing to be vulnerable and open with our community.  It encouraged and challenged me all at the same time.  Their openness enabled the whole group to go deeper in our relationships with one another.

It has made me wonder, how do we do this with young people?  How open and vulnerable should we be with them?  I understand that there has to be boundaries and I am all for that, but at the same time there must be depth, shared journey and sense of them gaining the 'real me'.
A question I believe we need to ponder some more.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Childhood dream!

Last night I lived the dream!! It was my friends 40th birthday party and the theme was 'Movie Characters' and I went as Batman! Since receiving my costume I have been dreaming about running around in the dead of night saving damsels in distress and being the hero vigilantly! suffice to say I have not as yet.

On the drive over to the party my car was filled with Batman and Bat Girl, Jigsaw from SAW and Dogtanian! Was it wrong to hope that we were pulled over by the police, just so when they asked what we were doing I could say 'Trying to save the world!'

Well, I believe that is enough day dreaming now, better go, Gotham needs me!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm very excited!!

One frustration about being loyal to Orange has been the fact that I have not been able to gain possession of the much coveted iphone. The ray of light was given late last year when Orange then gained the contract for the phones. Sadly I have been playing the waiting game for my contract to get to the renewal stage - soon that will be here!!

But now it seems I am going to have to curb my excitement as Apple are releasing a new iphone!! When will the wait be over???

I know I may sound a little over dramatic, but it feels like I have been waiting an age!

Please may it be released this June!!!

Here is the site that gained the secret new phone!!

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Monday, January 11, 2010

You are beautiful!

I have just checked out ASBO Jesus, a great site if you've never seen it.

I really liked today posting. It reminds me that God loves me and thinks that I am beautiful. I spoke at a church yesterday and we looked at the greatest commandments Mark 12:28-31. One of the main points I highlighted was that God loves us no matter what, he thinks that we are beautiful, even when we do not agree. He made you, he believes in you!

Smile because you are loved!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just caught this on ASBO Jesus and thought it was good. Strangely enough my wife and I were talking about how we show and share faith last night. She had come from a social engagement and had had a conversation with another Christian and they had shared that it is a huge struggle to share faith with their colleagues let alone tell them that they are a Christian.

We then talked about how often we leave it a while to show them that we are normal and not one of those crazies!! But after we've left it a while and maybe shared a few to many unholy jokes or said/done something that would tarnish our halo slightly we then often opt for just not saying anything and instead decided to be 'the good person'.

I am not saying that I am the bright shining star on how to share faith and live a holy life - those that know will testify to this, but still, surely we are charged with sharing something about our faith, even if it is that we go to church?

I undestand that it can be really hard to take the jibs and the ribbing that many may well give, but are we not told to pick up our cross? Are we not asked to stand in the face of hardships? I now it may sound as if I am on my little hobby-horse, I am not, honestly, this is a challenge to myself first and foremost. How do I show my faith?

Faith - how do you wear yours?

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