Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Chapter is now closed

The last young person has left and I am now here on my own with just my
thoughts as company!

Now that it is final that I moving on, all I can do is look over the
past 2 years and think about all the highs and the very few lows.
I was really touched by what they did, i was given a card that was
really amazing (I am not an emotional guy but that made me feel
emotional) a little frame with the foot prints story on, wine and

They were all really grateful for what all the leaders have done for

I am going to go now and contemplate about all that has happened in
this chapter.


As each chapter closes..

As each chapter closes they say another one opens. Well let's hope so,
because today it is my final youth group at church before I leave.

It is rather a sad time, not just because I will miss all the young
people (although now I will see them all at school) but because it has
been amazing to be part of the adventure of starting a new youth work
in a church that was on the brink of death.

Also as I leave, as yet there is no one to pass the baton on to,
something I am praying continually for.

I am scared about what will happen, but knowing that God has this in
his plan for me gives me comfort. This does not stop me worrying about
this and that, no, it just gives me the peace that some how he will

I guess my prayer for church is that as the chapter that I was part of
closes, the chapter with the next person opens and starts in a massive
blaze of glory. Let's pray so!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Mountains not mole hills

I see the work that God is doing as mountains and not mole hills, it
may be small but I am deeply encouraged and excited about what is
happening! Read on....

It has been a rather good day in all. Firstly I spent a short time in
prayer this morning (as always I mean it to be longer, but it does not
seem to happen!), the I went into to school.

At school I was speaking to a friend about their future, my friend was
explaining to me that they have applied for a new job outside of the
school. My friend told me they want to make an impact on the lives of
young people that have been dealt a bad hand in life.

It was really great as we talked about how we can have an impact of the
lives of young people. The job may mean working with lots of young
people and only seeing them for very short periods of time that are
also spread far apart.

I said to my friend that Jesus had his 12, but with in that he had 3
that he was really close to. We talked about the circles of people
that Jesus had a relationship with an also the impact. He had the 3
and then the 12 and then the 72.

We talked about that as the number get larger we have less direct
impact, and that maybe where my friend is at now might be the best
place. I think there needs to be some time spent searching, I did tell
them that I will pray about it for them.

Later on in the evening I received a very encouraging text from them.

The next good thing was youth group, or just before. Each week I go
into the Brownies and say hi, and generally just catch up on what they
are up to. Today I had made them I pudding to share as I had promised
them ages ago. The group were really happy and the leaders were very

Then it was time for youth group, it was a great night in all, when it
came to the spiritual input they were slightly hard work, but then we
started to talk about "Being Good" and I told them a few stories where
people have been good to others and the affect it has had. This seemed
to really capture their imagination and I felt that God had really
birthed something in them.

So tonight I am heading to bed rather encouraged in the knowledge that
God is still working in the lives of people around me, good night, God

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Time to catch Up

Well it does not seem so long ago that I was last on team retreat, but
in the next 30 minutes I will be picked up and whisked off to Turvey
Abbey. As I look back and think about what has happened since last
retreat I realise that is has been a bust 8 weeks. I have been to
Osmington with year 7; what an amazing time getting to know the young
people and also making friends with lots of teachers.

I have felt like my involvement in the life of the school has
increased. I have been asked quite a few things by teachers just
looking for some advice or even just a sounding board to off load to,
this I enjoy as it feels that they trust me.

Earlier this week I went on a jolly to pick up a pupil with teacher
(who is also a great friend) who decided to run away, got quite far out
of Luton (about 20 miles, and he was walking!). we picked him the
teacher took us all for some lunch and we talked about what had
happened. It seemed that he just worked himself up into a state. We
then took him back home and chatted with his parents about what and how
we can help him.

It was good to be able to help the teacher and the pupil, I told the
teacher that I am praying for him, at which point she was pleased.

It is sometimes hard to let teachers or even pupils that I praying for
them or about issues. It does seem though that God really does bless
these words.

Oh well time to leave.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Death comes to us all

It is something that we know will come to us all, but when it happens
to someone we know or even 2 people in 2 days we suddenly have a
reality check.

Part of being a youth worker is helping young people deal with
bereavement whether it be family divorce or death, at those times it is
easy to be understanding and be the voice of reason, but when I am put
in the position of the one bereaving it becomes very different.

As a Christian death can feel harder to deal with as you have to face
the fact that maybe the person who died may not be entering the kingdom
of God, when young people ask this it is a very difficult question to
answer at such sensitive times.

I feel that i have probably said enough and now need to go and deal
with my own thoughts and emotions.