Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Some Good byes!

Let start by saying that I chose this picture just because it looks good! My blog, My choice!

Yesterday was really cool, I saw Gill in town with Tasha (chilled with the Gill!) we strolled around town for an hour trying to find a photo album. It was great just to spend time with them, and mock Gill for the whole time! Mentioned a name that made her go red!

After that it was off to Aroma for lunch with some of my 6th formers. I will miss them they are fantastic people. There are so many people that I will miss. It was lovely because they said that they want me to call them before I leave.

Also had my leaving service on Sunday, and that was wonderful, people were really encouraging and seemed quite sad that I am leaving. Secretly they are probably really happy!

Friday, October 21, 2005


Monestry, Arequipa
Originally uploaded by quarkness.
I spent last night at Turvey Abbey, a wonderful place that i have been to many times with LCET. But last night I went on my own to seek some quiet time with God and spend a great evening with a good friend and monk Brother Tom. It was a fab time we chatted and we prayed, we drank wine and we laughed. It was just a great evening, we learnt so much about each other.

It is quiet surprising when you find out abot people, I am really looking forward to this year and meeting many different people for different walks of life and different world views.

We talked about the past and how hard it an be to move on from past hurts, this is very true, sometimes the pain seems just as real as it did when you first encountered it. We talked about the whole forgive and forget senerio, and we said that there is a lot of value on remembering; not holding it against or over people but lettign God work in you through what has happened. I pray that he does that in me

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

the big ear in the sky

the big ear in the sky
Originally uploaded by Naty Z.
Yesterday I met a good friend of mine and they shared what they are going through right now. It was good to be able to listen to them, from what they said everyone else just has advice for them and not the time to just listen.

We even talked about God and about when I just need time to be quiet and reflect where do I go? I told them I go to Turvey Abbey and just spend time with God, because he always wants to listen as he is so interested in us.

I left Sainsbury's coffee shop (they should give me some sort of discount there, the amount of time I spend there!) and took a slow walk home praying for them and the situation that they are going through. I pray that they meet God in such a real way.

Someone once said to me that peole share stuff with me that they may not tell others because 'Ihave the eyes'! Was not to sure what they meant but God has given me something as people do share with me and I am grateful that they trust me.

Had a teacher in school talk to me about there plans for the future, or lack of them! Praying for them too! Let's hope God answers some of these before I go.