Friday, February 23, 2007

329 and on!

Floating library, originally uploaded by King Kieran.

Not blogged for a whilebut felt that this could de worth a note.

This picture has been on my flickr site for 36hours and at the time of print has been viewed 329 times!

The question for me is why? My previous picture was a lady boy and that i can understand, but a floating library, not sure why it has been so popular?

What do you think?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Snow place like home

Misty, originally uploaded by King Kieran.

I love snow days. It would have been more fun had my Dad not stolen my walking boots!

I opted to take my dog Misty over the park and had a great time. Thee were families having snowbal fights and bulding snowmen. Everyone was miling which is a joy to see in this place.

I took some photos and when I got in I decided to tel my Dad how I felt about the stolen boots, below is the email I sent with teh picture above!

"Hello Grandad,

Well as you can see I had a woofing excellent time over the park with King Kieran, even though he did not have the correct weather gear. He told me some stupid senile git stole his winter boots. If I ever find out who it is I will shitzu on him!

We had fun, I ran around in the snow, rolled over, chased some teenagers and generally kept my tongue hanging out.

I hope that can mirror this fantastic event tonight when you get in. King Kieran says that if that stupid incontinent old git brings his boots back you are more than welcome to borrow them.

Woofs and Licks