Wednesday, February 09, 2005

There is being Stretched and then there is being snapped!

They say that we should always be looking to stretch ourselves, our
abilities, push ourselves to reach more, gain more, never staying still
as we may become stagnant.

Last night we had a camp planning meeting and we decided that we need
to break down into more specified planning groups. There were 3 groups
Performance, Celebrations and Camp. Lillie is heading up the
performance, Chris the celebrations and he has given me the task of
heading up the camp!

When I asked what that involved he told me if it is not performance or
celebration, then it is camp! How daunting!

I was freaked out for a bit but after speaking to a few trusted people
I began to realise that I must be the main communicator to all the
people working with me, this way everything will get done. My problem
is that I am not to good if people do not do it properly, I do not
suffer fools lightly!

Recently I meet with someone who said to me about where I plan to be or
head to in youth work? I said I am not to sure, I love working in
schools and spending time with young people and that is why I am a
youth worker.

They said had I ever thought about leadership? I said I struggle to
dress myself in the morning, not to sure I am the right person to lead
others. They were encouraging and said that I have leadership skills
and people follow me (was not sure that was a good thing!).

Well I now have the challenge of stretching myself more than I thought
I would in this space of time, naturally with things life leadership
and responsibility I tend to hang back as i do not like it in a way, I
much prefer helping so that I can spend more time with the young

I will keep you update as to where I am!

Maybe a blessing in disguise!

How frustrating! My training was going so well then i had a slight
injury in my foot, got over that and now I have a pain in my calf every
time I run!

I was really getting into running again and I was feeling much fitter,
but now I am losing motivation and have had enough of the little

But then again maybe it is a blessing in disguise, I put a lot into
training as I want to see the results, it means a lot to me. Being a
Christian also means a lot to me but I am not sure that I put as much
effort into that 'training' as I should and many days I am not sure I
see any results. I have tried to keep to a idea that I will not train
unless I have done something spiritual. As with a lot in my life it is
all good intentions. I do want to give more time to God, so maybe not
being able to train will force me to do that.

Let us hope so.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

'i' is the way to go!

'i' seems to be taking over. I have now realised that I am checking
the apple website daily.

I have an 'i Book' and am not sure I could live without my beloved
friend and life partner my 'ipod'.

I am starting to try and convert people to buy Apple products. They
look great and are really easy to use and I am in danger of becoming an
Apple Geek! God help me please!

I may have all this but can I put a picture up on my blog posts, no!
Anyone know how please share the wealth!