Thursday, April 28, 2005

Another Life

One website I really like is BBC in Pictures and i try to check it every day.

I saw this the other day and it really touched me. Sometimes I think that I have a hard life and that I have been delt a bad hand, but then I see this and think 'thank you God!' So often we complain about life and what is happening and we forget how good we have it! we end up praying God get me out of this, when we should pray Lord give me the strength to get through this. I think it is time to go back and read James.

I also watched the Make Poverty History adverts last night and this one really touched me, check it out. Off to Oxfam to get the band tonight.

Let's pray we can make history.

Now off to eat my fair trade snack bar, yum!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I feel that I have moved up the
ICT ladder by being able to add links

Sitting here feeling slightly smug. Hopefully my blog may now be some
what interesting. It is always nice to have pictures and other stuff to keep you

The Link

After checking out hairs blog and thought that I would be posh and post some links.

See if this one works first!

Dream Car

Just trying to post pics! Let's hope this works.

Quote that fits best!

Just found this on my friends blog and thought I may as well have a as
I had a few free seconds!

1113237805_uote.kind1.JPG" border="0" alt="Kind person">
Your wise
quote is: "Be kind to unkind people,
they probably need it the most"
Ashleigh Brilliant.
You try to look beyond apperance, try to
people second chances and are probably very
Understanding is your biggest personality
trait, and thoose you can
see through should be
grateful. If they aren't already. You
narrow minded people, because they can't see
what's really
there. Facades is not your thing
and you strive to always be who you
really are.

What%20wise%20quote%20fits%20you%3F(pics)%20UPDATED/"> size="-1">What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED

size="-3">brought to you by href="">Quizilla

Monday, April 25, 2005

Fame and Fortune on it's way!

I have become famous! Please form an orderly cue for photos and

I have been mention on the world wide web thanks to Neil 'The Beard
less One' O'Hara! (thought I would repay the favour!)

Check it out

Woo Hoo!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Pleasant Surprise

Last Saturday it was one of my house mates, Tim's birthday (as it
happens it is the other ones, Gordon's birthday this Saturday, not sure
the bank can take this!), so all 3 of us and a few more friends all
went out for a few birthday drinks.

It was a really pleasant evening, we had had a good laugh and some
entertaining conversation, upon leaving the venue that we had been to
we haled down a taxi for 6 people. We got into the taxi and headed
back to Mansions. The driver was a young Asian man who I talked to the
whole way home about cars.

Once we got home I paid the driver and we all went in to play with
Tim's birthday present a giant pea shooter! After about 10 minutes
there was a knock at the door, I opened it and it was the taxi driver!
He asked if any of us had dropped a wallet in his cab? I looked at the
wallet and thought that it looked like Gordon's, I asked if I could
check for any confirmation that it was Gordon's, he said fine. I
opened it and it had a Gordon's cards and £40 cash! The driver just
said I saw it on the seat and so thought that it must be one of ours!
We gave him some money that he reluctantly accepted and then we went
back in.

We gave the wallet to Gordon and he had not even realised that it was

I was completely shocked by this as too often you hear stories of
people who have dropped stuff in taxis and never get it back, the
biggest shock of this is that we did not even know that it was missing!
I had a warm feeling come over me, a feeling that maybe there still
are decent people in our society. As a Christian sometimes I feel that
maybe I am a lone voice for honesty, I am happy to say that I am wrong!

Also I wrote a letter to the taxi company (Spearhead 01582 505050) to
tell them what had happened and how amazed I am and grateful!

Thank you Lord that there are still some decent living young people out

Monday, April 18, 2005

Next Step

Been thinking about the next step! Where should I be, what should I be
doing? Those sort of questions. I feel slightly restless and would
like to experience something else, traveling has been something that I
have always wanted to do and it has been on my mind for quite a while
and I have started thinking about just going.

I once thought that I was risk averse rather than risk embracing but
someone I spoke to recently about this said that I am more risk
embracing by the sounds of things as I talk about going on my own soon.

Not to sure what to do, lots of questions to ask myself before I decide
what i will do. In lot's of ways it is the ideal time to go as i have
no commitments or things to hold me down.

Just praying lots about this.

Friday, April 08, 2005


What an amazing man! Pope John Paul II, even in his death he is
bringing people to God.

To be a Christian is to live like Jesus, but that is so much easier
said than done. I continually struggle like Paul did in Romans 8, I do
what I do not want to do and what I wan to do I do not do! How

As I reflect on life and the past year I see that no matter what God
has been with me, even on those days that I have felt so very far away
he has had me in his wings.

As I contemplate the year ahead my mind starts to wander, where will I