Monday, September 28, 2009

The futures bright, the futures Orange!

Well today i am a very happy boy! It has finally been announced that Orange will be getting the iPhone by the end of the year! My prayers have been answered!

Since the wife got an iPod touch I have been totally sold on an iPhone, I just had 2 problems
1. I am committed to Orange, as sad as it is
2. Orange did not have the iPhone (probably the bigger problem!).

But now life is great!! What wonderful news it was to read that the rumours were now true! Not often we like rumours to be true!

The future is bright and it will be Orange!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

No 'I' in team

So they say that there is no 'I' in team, but there is me - OK probably not very helpful right now.

Isn't weird how our worst attributes only come out towards those closest to us. I am beginning to realise that I can be a little bit of hard work and can often be stubborn and probably rather frustrating for those around me.

A marriage is meant to be a team and not two I's trying to fight for tog dog, even when we are not sure what top dog is?! Think that I need to spend sometime cogitating what it means to be team and not about 2 individuals bumbling through mostly together!

Saying all this makes it sound like hard work, never, still amazing and I suppose I bit like a fire that refines me, us, together more than before.

Team, that's what I want.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Some Space

It has been an evening of looking after the wife as she has not been too well, the bonus (for me) is that I have had some time to just browse the net. Over the past few months I have not really had the time to just surf, I treat that I have missed!

As I have been mooching from one site to the next I read my good friend Joe's blog, he was sharing a bit about his adventures over in Africa. Sounds like he is having some good times!

On a completely different note seems as I am rambling, I lost a whole website today! Was not too overjoyed when I realised. I was planning on updating it but looks like I will be doing it somewhat sooner! Such is life as they say.

Now for something completely different - over the summer I read a few books, one in particular got me thinking and that is Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, I found it a very interesting read and gave me a heap of questions to think about, most of all about faith and that possibly everyone has it, the question is what in?

Well I think that is enough nonsense for now. If you've read the book let me know what you think, also if you've got any cool sites to just surf, be rather grateful if you passed on the links.

Good day