Blogging seems to be the new way of sharing your life. As I walked
around the conference during the lunch break I heard people talking
about catching up by swapping, wait for it ..... Blog Address!
Here i am saying this on a blog! Hypocrite! Are we becoming a society
that no longer engages with each other? A society that no longer has
physical community, but only cyber community? It feels that we are
individuals only coexisting together not living together. When I was
a kid we mainly shopped at the local outlets (bakers, butchers, grocers
etc), the shop owners knew me and I them. Now I go to Sainsburys and
stroll around on my own, usually listening to music. When I get to the
check out I am asked or even told the standard customer relation
question 'Hi, how are you today?!'
A question that the 18 year old college student is not really expecting
me to answer, let alone ask them the question!
No-one seems interested in anyone but themselves. Our worlds evolve
around us! Where has the community gone?
On the other hand I find myself building community with strangers that
I see on a regular basis - the lady who walks her dog as i leave for
work, the guy down the gym who trains at the same time as me, the lady
behind the counter at Bodycare who I see each week. I only know one of
there names, but yet there seems to be some mutual connection.
So where do we go from here?