Thursday, May 18, 2006


i missed my sky
Originally uploaded by Pesi.
The other day I was thinking about some stuff and suddenly a friend popped into my head! A friend who passed away over a year ago. I realised that it was him that I went to talk to about this stuff, he would listen and then share his experiences, a truly great man!

What is it that people will miss about you, me, us? We give so much to each oterh that when it is taken away we realise how important it was.

What is it that we want to give to people? What is it that I want to pass to other people? Life is about sharing, sharing everything! Happiness, saddness, good times bad times, all that life holds. One questions is who do we want to share this with?

Think I am rambling now!

Up close and Personal

Up close and Personal
Originally uploaded by King Kieran.
Seeing so many beautiful sights in New Zealand has really helped me see God's beauty! What he has created is so amazing! Everywhere I look I see such wander!

It is so good to have time to just sit and reflect on his creation and there is no better place than here!

Monday, May 08, 2006

looking back/looking forward

looking forward/looking back
Originally uploaded by warxal.
I was talking to a friend the other night and they were asking about my job back at home, I reflected back and started to realise that I really miss it, I miss talking to people and trying to help them see past their troubles, I miss going into schools and finding out from the young people what they have been up to. I miss seeing them down town, meeting them for coffee, them popping round to see me. There is so much I miss.

I look back and I think what else would I do, than work with young people, what else could I do? I do not feel there is much else I would be able to do?

My friend said that I talk with such passion about the young people. I guess I do because I believe in them, I believe that they have something huge to offer us all right now, they help me more than I help them.

Also I started to look back upon my life over the last couple of year adn all it has been through and where it is now, some journey! The strengh I have gained the and insight, also the pain I have been through and put others through. It has been hard a lot of the time. It has been a rteal growing experience as well, but through all of it God has been there for me even when I feel I have turned away he ha still been there with me.

As I look forward I wander where I will end up upon my return to England, what I will do, all I now is that I want to make a difference to people in a positive way, how I'm not to sure but time will tell!