It has been an evening of looking after the wife as she has not been too well, the bonus (for me) is that I have had some time to just browse the net. Over the past few months I have not really had the time to just surf, I treat that I have missed!
As I have been mooching from one site to the next I read my good friend
Joe's blog, he was sharing a bit about his adventures over in Africa. Sounds like he is having some good times!
On a completely different note seems as I am rambling, I lost a whole website today! Was not too overjoyed when I realised. I was planning on updating it but looks like I will be doing it somewhat sooner! Such is life as they say.
Now for something completely different - over the summer I read a few books, one in particular got me thinking and that is
Velvet Elvis by
Rob Bell, I found it a very interesting read and gave me a heap of questions to think about, most of all about faith and that possibly everyone has it, the question is what in?
Well I think that is enough nonsense for now. If you've read the book let me know what you think, also if you've got any cool sites to just surf, be rather grateful if you passed on the links.
Good day