Image by Loci Lenar via Flickr
Last night I attended my home group from "Letchworth Garden City Church" and we had a great time. We have been looking at the Holy Spirit and last night we looked at "
Baptism of the Holy Spirit". We spent a short time talking about it and looking at various bits of scripture, the leader was very sensitive that everyone of us would have or could have a very different view, so we kept it brief and then decided that it would be good for us all to pray for each other. With there being nearly a 50/50 split of "boys and girls" as he put it, we did just that.
So all us guys went through to the kitchen - the women were staying where they were! So all 5 of us went through and the long story short was that each of us received prayer and each of us received a fresh or new touch of the spirit. One of the guys had always wanted to speak in tongues but had never felt he could, so we prayed and he did! We then prayed that each of us would receive something from God for one of the lads and what happened? God spoke!
Personally I felt that God's holy spirit gave me a fresh touch and spoke to me both directly and through others. I came away with an excitement that I have not felt for quite a while. I was reminded that this faith is all about being, it is alive and if I want to life to the full (
John 10:10) then I have to step out.
One thing that we all felt was that we had not been living that full life, so I encourage you to take the step, pray, ask God for a new or fresh touch of His spirit, even ask others to pray with you. Only by taking a step do we really live by faith.