Change is as good as a rest they say! Is it? Change and moving forward can be hard and far from restful.
Moving forward is hard work and can encounter a lot of pain and heartache. Recently I have been talking to different people about change and it just seems that it very rarely feels easy.
But we need change, if we do not have it then we become stagnant, we stop growing, we become like Gold Fish in a bowl. Once they have filled that space they stop growing.
At work we have been talking about Contextualisation, Lil Bill found a great blog by Matt Stone. It has got me thinking and these are very rough thoughts, but how much has our use of words changed over hundreds of years. Everyday our use of language changes. As a Christian where should I stand on adapting my language to better engage people of different world views? Should I adapt it at all?
Hmmmm, what to do?
Hey King, that stuff was all good and not sure if it was just me but it seemed we were happier to accept a bible with a cover that said "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" than we were to talk about the "chi" or "tao"of God say...for breath of God. Isn't it interesting what 'meaning' we load onto words. Is there more spiritual danger in other world religions than there is in porn? I don't know but as Christians we seem so defensive by what others on the religious jorney do and say, like somehow God can't handle it...he's God right?! Then again I could be an over sensitive yoga practioner!! ;-)
I think your right Lil. When it comes to our faiths we see them as the enemy, where as porn we see as a problem, so we are less worried about it spiritually.
I think it is something we really need to look at (the subject not porn) and work through.
Thanks for the comment!
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